The Atheist’s Prayer
by Amy R. Biddle
After a solar eclipse, nineteen people were found dead in a remote area of the California National Forest. They were lying in a circle, holding hands and wearing plastic fairy wings.
Years later, on the other side of the country, no one in the southern city of Jefferson is concerned about fairies or fairy-worshiping suicide cults. Except for Candy. She might not have proof, but she’s damn sure it’s going to happen again.
The problem is, Candy is a coke-dealing stripper and the only person who will listen to her is an alcoholic mall Santa named Hank, who’s only listening because, well…she’s hot.
There are seven days until the next eclipse.
AN EXCERPT FROM HEATHER: the fairy-worshiper
Heather felt sorry for Candy. There was something sad behind her flashy smile, something Heather understood better than the short skirts, the tattoos and the hooker makeup. When Dana first introduced her to Candy, Heather struggled to resist the urge to gather Candy in her arms and hold her, comfort her like a doting mother. Heather could tell by the way Candy laughed that she had been neglected as a child. Years of seeking attention in vain had landed her on center stage. Naked. Candy didn’t have to tell Heather these things. She just knew.
“Only three caps? Damn, boom shroom business ain’t boomin’ like usual,” joked Candy. But her eyes said, Save me. Snowflakes caught in Candy’s hair and sparkled momentarily before they melted.
Heather grasped Candy’s left arm just above the anarchy symbol on her wrist. Usually people were disgusted when Heather touched them with her scarred hand, but Candy didn’t flinch.
“A wonderful time is upon us, Candy. A beautiful end to the evils that haunt the modern world.
You must call the Sacred Fruit by its real name. You must respect it.”
“Sometimes I think I shouldn’t be selling to you,” said Candy. “What do you want me to call it?
Psilocybe fragora? That’s a mouthful.”
Heather opened her mouth to enlighten the poor girl, but decided against it. She won’t understand. She’s been brainwashed like the rest.
“Don’t mind me,” she said instead. “I’m just talking crazy,”
Candy laughed. Her laugh said, Hold me. Love me. Tell me I’m special. Heather was about to do just that when Candy held out a small plastic bag of Sacred Fruit. Heather snatched it up and counted out three pieces.
My View:
This book took me by surprise, as I was not sure what really to expect after reading the summary. However, this quick paced novel grabbed my attention and kept it from beginning to end. I enjoyed relating to some of the characters and finding them all so very intriguing as they lived their lives.
Truth be told, I could not figure out how I could categorize this book, nor how exactly to explain it to others. All I do know is that Amy is very talented in her story-telling abilities, her come-to-life characters, and her way of capturing a readers attention. You do not have to be religious to enjoy this novel, in fact it is almost better that you aren’t.
Born and raised in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Amy now spends half of her life at sea and the other half wherever the hell she pleases. An avid traveler and dangerous daydreamer, she is most at home when surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains or the great blue sea. In her spare time, Amy co-runs Underground Book Reviews, a website dedicated to finding and reviewing quality, independent novels. Her short fiction and poetry has been published by a smattering of online publications including Every Day Fiction and Revolt Daily.
Facebook: Author/201710869846209?ref=hl
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Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for the review! I’m glad you liked it.
WOW I’m really intrigued by this book. I’m checking it out. Good luck with the tour Amy.
Nice review and excerpt
bn100candg at hotmail dot com