Among the Giants: How One Underdog Pursued His Dreams & You Can Too!
by Jesse LeBeau
The sound of the basketball slapping the floor echoed hollowly in the gym, as I began working it playfully with my hands.
Planning my next move, I locked eyes with my opponent. I noticed small beads of sweat beginning to form in the furrow between his eyebrows. My heart was pounding, and my nerves tightened in response . . . but slowly a smile formed on my lips. Here I was, 5’8” Jesse LeBeau, going one on one with basketball superstar Kevin Durant . . . and I was making him sweat! As I started to make my move on him, I briefly wondered, “How did a skinny kid from a small town in Alaska ever get the chance to do this?” Here I was, involved in the filming of the 2012 Warner Brother’s basketball movie Thunderstruck, playing against the NBA scoring champion! It shouldn’t have happened. I didn’t fit the profile and anyone would have told you that. But I did make it, despite the odds. And here is my story . . .
Growing up as an undersized white basketball player on a remote island in Alaska, Jesse had nearly every chip stacked against him. Yet despite his size and circumstances, he managed to rise above it all and make it to the big screen in Hollywood. With only the love of the game of basketball and the tenacity to follow a dream driving him, Jesse’s persistence has led him to star in national commercials and movies with some of the most recognizable celebrities and professional athletes in the world. More importantly, he found a way to tweak the system and alter his dream and get paid to do what he loves to . . . every day! Be inspired by his story and learn the keys to successfully creating a life that is uniquely yours.
The majority of you don’t know my name, although you’ve probably seen my face on television. at the age of twenty-four, I began starring in national commercials for Kobe Bryant and other NBA players. I’ve been featured by sports magazines and played in basketball games that were televised to a global audience. I’ve done interviews for radio, television, and websites. i’ve met and spent time with famous, wealthy, and influential people from all over the world, and I have relationships some of the most re- spected and intelligent business men and women in the country.
Do I think I’m special because of this? No. I know my efforts have been blessed. I also know that if there is anything special about me, it isn’t necessarily my talent. it would more likely be my dogged tenacity to pursue a dream and my drive to put every ounce of my energy into making that dream happen. I was an underdog my whole life, but I refused to become a victim or a less- than” in any endeavor I attempted. I always believed in myself, even when the odds were stacked against me. And they usually were. Even with the success I’ve had so far, I still feel like I have room to grow before reaching my fullest potential. But I believe I am on the right track. The fact that all of this happened for me in such a short time is a true testament to the principles I have learned and applied to my life. I want to share my story and these “life lessons” with you . . And I want this book to inspire you to find your passion and chase your dreams, so you can wake up every day and do whatever it is you love.
Interview with the Author
1. Where does you inspiration come from?
Inspiration for me can come to me in many different forms. Sometimes I have a thought or vision out of the blue and I write them down so I can ome back to them later. Other times inspiration comes from a song, a chance encounter, or even a random conversation with a stranger. A few years ago I sat down and did some soul searching to determine my mission in life and once I realized what that was everything else started falling into place for me. I want to help and inspire people to follow their hearts passion and live their dreams. So that’s what I try to do with my books and speaking and that continually inspires me because there is an unlimited amount of people out there that need to hear my message.
2. Would you ever want to change genre’s and if so what would you like to experiment with?
Not really. I’m happy right where I am in the non-fiction genre. If I did venture out of this genre it would be to write stories that would inspire people to live the best life they can live. I just feel like those stories are more powerful when they are actually based in reality.
4. Are your characters/ideas drawn from people that you know personally in any way?
All of my work falls into this category. I am a keen observer of human behavior, particularly in high achievers. I study everything I can about successful people and sit down and learn how they think and what makes them tick. By doing this, I am able to get material that can help people who want to make a transformation in their life.
5. Where would you like to be in 10 years with life or career?
In 10 years I will be speaking to youth all over the world and impact millions with my speaking, book and other products. I will have a TV show called ‘The LeBeau Show’ that will allow me to help youth overcome major obstacles all over the country with the help of my celebrity friends. I am excited to create an empire of impact and make a difference in the world!
6. What book or books are you reading now?
I am reading The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.
7. What do you do with your free-time when you are not writing or brain-storming?
I like to run on the beach and play basketball. Lately I’ve been going to a lot of comedy shows, besides enjoying a good laugh I like watching how they deliver their messages and how they play of the crowd. I watch more TV than I like to admit and spend a good amount of time with friends.
8. What is your fondest memory from childhood that left an impact on your life?
My dad taught me from an early age that ‘attitude is everything.’ That little phrase has made all the difference in my life. We can’t always control what happens to us.
I could tell you a series of incidents I faced but in one way or another they were all the same. People told me I couldn’t do something. First it was I couldn’t be a basketball player, because I was too small, too white and from a little island in Alaska with no roads or stores. Then, I was told I couldn’t make it in Hollywood. My whole life people have been telling me what I can’t do.
Everyone told me I couldn’t achieve my dreams, and guess what? They are going to do the same thing to you. People love to tell you what you can’t do. We are all tempted to blame something or someone when difficult things happens to us. The truth is, we’ve all faced something in our life that was uncontrollable, and sometimes we just don’t know how to handle that.
My challenges may be different than yours but we’ve all faced them. But by having the right attitude you can overcome any obstacle and create an awesome life. I thank my dad for imparting this wisdom on me at an early age and making me put it into practice. It wasn’t always easy. In fact, it was really hard, but it has made all the difference and helped me to create a life I would never imagined I’d get to live.
To get some free stuff from me you can text the word ‘Giants’ to 58885. You’ll get a free download of me eBook “What Allen Iverson Taught Me About Life” and a download from my DVD “Dribble Like A Star”. To catch me online my handle is @JesseLeBeau and my website is
Over the course of the last couple years, Jesse has propelled himself from a small, Alaskan fishing town to the Hollywood big screen, being seen by millions all over the world. By leveraging his love of the game of basketball and making the most of every opportunity, he has suc- cessful created a life all his own. at 5’8”, he may not be an nBa player, but by tweaking his dream, he has been able to use his passion (basketball) to star in national commercials and movies, work with pro athletes and celebrities, and even give back on a regular basis as a motivational speaker for youth. His un- derdog story, outlined in his book, Among the Giants, serves as an inspiration to anyone who has ever been told they can’t make their dream a reality.
Jesse was born and raised on Pennock island, Alaska, where his mother worked as a school teacher and his father was involved in the logging industry. Jesse played basketball growing up, but no one wanted to take him seriously, and coaches told him he was too small and would never make it. despite his critics, he believed not only in himself but also in the plan God had for him. Jesse has experienced big wins and frustrating losses, but both triumph and defeat helped nhim grow as a leader and a person, and helped deepen his faith.
Today, he uses his message to motivate and inspire young people around the world as a speaker and author. combining his love of basketball, speaking, and entertaining, Jesse founded the fab4 Takeover, which brings celebrities into schools to teach and impact students.
He also released an instructional dribbling dVd titled Dribble Like a Star. for a free download from the dVd visit or text the word ‘dVd ‘to the number 58885. you can find more information, read news in the press, watch highlight video foot- age, and follow Jesse on a more personal level at the following websites:
* Website * Fab4 * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram *
To purchase Among The Giants on Amazon visit:
To get a free download from his DVD visit:
To get a free download from his eBook “What Allen Iverson Taught Me About Life” visit:
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I enjoyed the interview.
Thanks for hosting!
Attitude is everything! great interview and congrats on your book!