Ash’s Fire by Callie Gold
Smart and successful Attorney Jordan Cohen didn’t expect Sam, her husband and best friend, to invoke their old pact for non-exclusivity. But after twenty-some years together, he did.
A chance meeting with Ari Ash, the tall-dark-and-yummy internationally renowned concert pianist, sends Jordan into his arms. Ari’s mysterious ways and magical lovemaking pull the conflicted Jordan into a whirlwind affair.
When Ari is implicated in an execution-style murder, she wants to believe Ari is innocent, but one troubling fact after another keeps popping up. Jordan turns to the only man she can trust with her lover’s life – her brilliant criminal defense attorney husband.
Is Ari a killer?
When Ari is charged, Jordan fears the worst: a life sentence for her lover, exposure of her affair and the ruin of her law firm and irreparable damage to her husband’s reputation. But she can’t let go of Ari’s love… With the trial just days ahead, Jordan races to save her lover, her husband and herself.
Desire, suspicion, love and loyalty all clash in the fast-paced Mediterranean city of Tel-Aviv.
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“Are you okay?” she asked, reigning in her instant desire for him, feeling the burden of the empty shelves in the empty apartment.
“Keeping busy,” he texted.
“How was your rehearsal?”
“Better than yesterday,” Ari wrote.
“That’s great,” she wrote back, and added another smiley. “I miss you.”
“Me too,” he wrote. “I think of your hands caressing me.”
“Lots of caressing waiting for you when you come back.” Ari knows how to cheer himself up, she thought, focus on the positive, on what he was doing, on the good things to come. And then she added, “I miss your hands, too.” She imagined his hands, big and strong and sensuous, more knowing than any that had ever touched her. She thought of his long menu of touches, from fluttering butterflies that landed and danced, to hungry lions, that pounced and devoured. From ticklish caterpillars that wriggled slowly, to finicky kittens that bumped exuberantly. His hands told innumerable stories, took her body on imaginary voyages. His hands knew how to fill her with fantasy, with excitement.
“Where exactly do you miss them?” he asked.
“It’s a very long list.” she answered, a smile pulling her cheeks up, her skin tingling. Jordan felt his hands on her face, caressing her gently, reaching into her hair, and then behind her neck, holding her head, nestling it. Ari’s hands knew how to sooth her pain, give her patience to wait for his return. She felt his hands waking her body, exciting it, make her blood heat and run faster in her veins.
“I’m looking at your beautiful face now,” he wrote back, “I want you to do the same.”
“Got it,” she smiled. “You XL piece of sweet caramel candy, you!” she said. “I wish I could be there to help you with the shelves.”
“Me, too. You can hold, while I drill. Give me a hand?”
Interview With Callie Gold
Do you ever wish you were someone else? Who?
NOOOOOO! It took me so many years to figure out how to deal with my own issues (work in progress…), and you’re suggesting that I take on someone else’s? No way!
What did you do on your last birthday?
Moaned. When you get to be fifty, you moan. That’s it. Not my fault. Youth-idolizing society. Okay, my family made nice gifts, my husband wrote a beautiful card, my daughters made paper decorations to die for, but still. Moans.
Do you have any tattoos? Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?
I don’t have any tattoos and I will NEVER have any. It pisses me off that my daughters had some done, oh, and piercings, too. The human skin is gorgeous as is. Don’t fuck it up.
What are you working on right now?
I’ve started rolling ideas for the second book of the ASH trilogy in my head. It will be peopled with all the main characters from the first book (except those who died and those who went to jail, hehe), and also some new ones. The setting will divide between Tel Aviv and New York City.
What do you think you’re really good at?
It’s a strange one: I feel people. I feel what’s going on inside them, from looking at them and listening to them. And listening to my gut. I know what they feel and think. I use it for my work, and I sometimes I spook people. Wear a mask when you meet me, or I will read your heart, too!
What do you think you’re really bad at?
Numbers. I can’t read them, can’t remember them, don’t understand them. I used to send documents for filing in court, and get calls from the messengers asking me how come the file numbers didn’t match the file names. This happened many times…
Callie Gold is an Israeli married to an American. She admits that marrying her husband was the smartest decision she has ever made in her entire life. Together they have raised three beautiful children.
Callie is a lawyer, and a Jew, and what’s worse – an Israeli. That means that she’s an in-your-face kinda gal.
There is no Hebrew word for ‘subtle’. Callie’s husband says that she has too many opinions, and he’s right. But she’s also open and friendly and very curious, and is known to start intimate conversations with the Falafel guy.
Since she stopped litigating, Callie’s husband says she’s become a much nicer person (Callie’s husband is almost always right, which makes living with him really good and seriously annoying, all at the same time).
When she’s not writing, Callie does divorce mediation and marriage counseling, which, she believes will save her a good seat in that place up there. She also cooks and bakes and you will always find home-baked bread in her freezer, next to the chocolate gelato that her husband makes.
Callie writes because writing creates another life for her, a life in which she can do whatever she wants. In order to write she has become a time thief.
Above all, Callie is a lover of people and she can never get enough of human interaction. So feel free to start up a conversation with her!
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Thank you very much for hosting me !
I am available for questions about anything – Ash’s Fire, Israel, writing, baking, and whatever you can come with.
Let me start with one question that’s always important to me when I write:
What makes you fall in love with a character?
For me, they have to have an interesting past. Whether it’s dramatic, traumatic, traditional, or just plain crazy…I love finding out where they come from so I can see how far they’ve gone!
Hi Andra,
I agree completely!
In Hebrew there’s a saying that a person is created in the mold of his country/history and it’s ture. And in a book, you learn a character’s past through a journey that moves both back and forth in time.
You would be surprised to learn about the past of some of the characters in Ash’s Fire…
An interesting blurb.
Hi Dannelle,
The links to my blog and GR are not working, can you please entice them to start working ?
Thanks for hosting!
This sounds like a very complex story. Interesting excerpt.
Fun interview
I always love author interviews. Thanks for sharing.
I like the chosen excerpt. Thanks!