Just when Bentley Knight thought life was only about football and women, a Hail Mary pass comes at him, changing everything.
Forced to grow up faster than he wants, Bentley struggles with the responsibility of being a good example to his younger brother, on and off the football field, and pleasing his frustrated, demanding father. Just when he reaches his limit of complications, in walks a beautiful blond angel, endangering the delicate balance he’s finally found in his new life.
When mistakes of his past threaten to derail his future, will Bentley be man enough to win the heart of the girl he once ridiculed in high school, who just happens to be the woman of his dreams
Purchase Link: Amazon
Shawnté lives in central Alberta, with her husband Ricky of 10 amazing years and together they have two beautiful children.
Somehow her husband has managed to trick her into running a cow/calf operation. As much as she fusses about it, she loves it.
When Shawnté is not sitting at her kitchen table hammering away on her laptop while watching the moose chase her cows across the yard, yes this really happens. Then she is busy attend school activities, community events and chauffeuring children here and there. She is big on playing softball and watching hockey.
When the time comes to relax, you will find her snuggled underneath her down comforter reading on her Ipad. Wait…who are we kidding, if the dishes, vacuuming, laundry or the bathrooms needs a hose down, you’ll always hear her say, “Just after this chapter.” She doesn’t have a favorite author or best story because everyday she falls in love with someone new.
Shawnté is technology challenged so you won’t find her on twitter (heaven knows she tried) or instagram – whatever this stuff is called. But she can work one hell of a facebook page thanks for her fictitious assistant Lacy. Please go like her page and leave a review/star rating on the books she’s wrote.
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/
Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Shawnte-
Blog – www.shawnteborrisauthor.com
[email protected]
This sounds like a book I could get into on a rainy afternoon. Nice review!