Lee Jackson Brings Heat To The Cold War.
His code-name is Atcho. He leads guerrilla fighters through the US-supported insurgency that rages at the Bay of Pigs in the early days of Fidel Castro’s Cuba.
Captured and cast into the island’s worst dungeons, Atcho learns that a phantom-like officer of the Soviet KGB shadows him.
Inexplicably released from incarceration and still dedicated to his country, he battles through the bowels of the Kremlin in Moscow, into the granite halls at West Point, and finally to highest levels in Washington, DC.
Atcho’s rise opens doors into US National Defense even as the seemingly omniscient KGB officer holds unflinching sway over his actions.
His public life clashes with secrets that only he and his tormentor share, isolating him in a world of intrigue among people whom he is determined not to betray – and then he finds that he is the trigger that could spark thermonuclear war.
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My View:
It is rare to experience a book were you feel as if the author as a very strong emotional connection. But that is just what happens as you begin absorbing the plot and characters within the pages of this book. Curse of the Moon is another novel that goes outside my comfort genre, usually I stay away from anything that may be a bit political or warlike. But something about this particular historic fiction novel compelled me to give it a shot.
I am very glad I did. I was able to live within Atcho’s character, feeling and thinking just as he must have. Anytime that an author can achieve that- I can guarantee that I will read it cover to cover in very short time. If you are looking for a fantastic book to read, Lee Jackson’s Curse The Moon is one that you should get.
You will fall into the story, you will connect with the characters, you will feel as if the whole book is a true recollection from ones own experiences. In the end it is only fiction, but to be able to do this means that the author has an amazing ability for story-telling.
About the Author
Lee Jackson was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and grew up in Tangier, Morocco. When he was 12 years old, his family returned to the US, and when he was 20, he enlisted in the Army. A year later, the Vietnam war ended. Lee then attended and graduated from West Point, and served on active duty until June, 1982. In 2008, he went back to work for the Department of the Army, and deployed for 19 months each in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There, his job was to go into towns and villages and learn anything he could about concerns relating to security, and recommend courses of action to meet military objectives without resorting to lethal methods. He returned to the US in 2013, lives in Texas with his wife, and is a full time writer of Historical Thriller Fiction, particularly surrounding the Cold War. ‘Curse The Moon’ is his first novel which was published in December 2013.
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Thrilled you loved it, thanks for sharing today xx
Very helpful review– I usually avoid political-action thrillers too because the characters are so often made of cardboard. But Atcho sounds like a real person.