Everyone needs a guardian angel, especially children of this world who are tossed aside like yesterday’s trash. But what if that angel is cloaked in vengeance, immune to human qualities of remorse or compassion, seemingly carrying a torch for justice, yet driven by a tenacious indignation.
Set against the awe-inspiring backdrop of San Francisco and all of its fleeting secrets, Michael attempts to re-boot his life, only to see death drop inches from his feet. Awakened from a seemingly catatonic state, and emboldened by a spirited friendship from his past, the former journalist is compelled to chase down the truth behind a murder–and the natural beauty connected to it.
But what he finds isn’t what it appears.
Can a price tag be associated with life? What about death…on a global scale? Robbed of his memory, beaten to an inch of his life, yet unwavering in his quest to cease an act of terror, Michael races against time to pursue an enemy bound by an unspeakable cause–or so it seems.
The fourth book in the Greed series, GREED MANIFESTO, spins a tale so wickedly conceived, you won’t believe what you read. Until you do.
My Opinion: John Mefford is an author that I have been interested in since I saw the first cover version of Fatal Greed. I was excited to have a chance at reading the forth book in the Greed Series, Greed Manifesto.
When you think of angels, you automatically think of goodness, and truth. The last thing I think of is something not capable of compassion or love. Justice is always an interesting concept, justice doesn’t always mean best or the most loving way to deal with a situation. This is something that I not only realized reading the Greed Manisfesto, but during a real-life situation of my own. Justice is something that is personable and will not ring fair to everyone involved.
Michael is an extremely strong character throughout the book, he is also a character that you become emotionally attached too. I believe that the connection with the story, as a whole, would have been even more dramatic for me if I had read the book from the beginning. While each book can be read by itself, I feel that I am missing the full effect of the story-lines.
There is no lack of mysterious turns in the book, to keep you compelled to turn each page to the very end. Although, you will be wanting the next installment at the finish of the book. I am excited to say that I plan on snagging the other books in this series, to further my obsession with understanding Michael and the ordeals brought forth in the forth novel.
If you’re looking for a book series that will tempt you in mysterious adventure, strong characters, and make you question the humanity of the human race- then the Greed series is one that I would recommend. You will not feel cheated after reading, no matter if you read the series in its entirety or out of order.
Also in the Greed SeriesFATAL GREED – Greed Series #1
Behind every corporate takeover executives pull levers this way and that, squeezing the last profitable nickel out of the deal. But no one knows the true intent of every so-called merger.
No one knows the secret bonds that exist.
An Indian technology giant swallows up another private company that has deep roots in North Texas. For one unassuming man the thought of layoffs, of losing his own job to a bunch of arrogant assholes feels like a kick to the jewels.
Until the day Michael’s life changes forever.
Perverse alliances. A gruesome murder. An affair of the heart. A spiraling string of events thrusts Michael into a life-or-death fight to save a tortured soul and hunt down a brutal killer…one who lurks closer than he ever imagined.
LETHAL GREED – Greed Series #2
How often do start-up companies promise untold riches? How many of those firms are drug cartels?
Seduced by an insatiable urge to escape reality, North Texas teens are falling prey to the one weakness parents fear most about their kids—taking illicit drugs. More than a thousand miles away, two contemptible hooligans plot their path to the top of an emerging start-up company. But what will it cost them?
With his city under siege by a series of drug deaths and a kidnapping, Michael and those closest to him are sucked into a twister so toxic and destructive, no one will be the same in its wake.
From the jagged mountains and alluring beaches of Mexico to the suburban concrete jungle in North Texas, Michael defends an entire drug-ravaged generation against ruthless killers who attack on every front possible. And just when you think the dragon has been sleighed, a vile act of cruelty threatens to shred his family.
WICKED GREED – Greed Series #3
Torture disfigures and maims, traumatizing a person’s psyche. It also torments the lives they…touch.
A sick, twisted email lands at journalism outlets across the south, referencing innocent little animals and primal urges, Hollywood movie stars and women of a certain ilk, tearing flesh from bone. The haunting note tests Michael’s over-protective nature, and he questions if it’s just a prank from a sheltered computer geek, or a prophetic sign of a future heinous act,
A shadow of death swallows up one beautiful young lady after another…and no one can stop it. But what force is behind this string of sadistic killings, pulling the strings, toying with pretty girls who want nothing more than to meet Mr. Right? As Michael and his band of brothers (and sister) track a series of bizarre murders in southern college towns—slowly piecing together what the FBI can’t—a ruthless monster strikes close to home.
When blood pours from the soul you love, the pain isn’t of this world.
In the end, lives will be forever changed. And one will not survive.
About the Author
A veteran of the corporate wars, former journalist, and true studier of human and social behavior, best-selling author John W. Mefford has been writing novels since he first entered the work force twenty-five years ago, although he never put words on paper until late 2009.
John writes novels full of intrigue, suspense, and thrills, but they also evoke an emotional connection with the characters.
When he’s not writing, he chases three kids around, slaves away in the yard, reads, takes in as many sports as time allows, watches all sorts of movies, and continues to make mental notes of people and societies across the land.
John lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife, three opinionated kids, and a feisty fat cat who rules the world.

We haven’t read this series yet, sounds great.