Gypsy Hunted by Andrea Drew
Reluctant psychic Gypsy Shields—she prefers the term “intuition consultant”—finds herself in trouble when, on her way home from a blind date, she interrupts a kidnapping in progress.
She attempts to intervene, and her heroics are repaid with a collision between the attacker’s van and a brick wall.
She awakens in the hospital, paralyzed on her left side and unable to speak.
This also means she’s unable to share her vital information as a witness. Fortunately, she is able to use her telepathic connection with her niece to throw a line out to a police detective she knows: Connor Reardon, her blind date.
Connor will do anything to protect Gypsy, and he listens to her claims of psychic power willingly, as he’s concealing certain powers of his own. Nor are they all he’s concealing. Gypsy senses a part of her new ally’s mind is closed to her—what she cannot know is that Connor suspects the kidnapper is someone close to him, and the kidnapping victim holds secrets that will tear through Connor’s department, putting careers and lives at risk. Including Gypsy, still in hospital and vulnerable as the attacker turns his sights on her once again.
Can she use her powers to track down the perpetrator and prevent her own murder?
Purchase Link: Amazon
My eyes went down at the registration plate. I reached into my handbag for my mobile phone, realizing I should have done this earlier and made a damn call to the cops.
He’d got her into the van but she wasn’t going without a fight.
The woman had started banging with her feet kicking the shit out of the van walls. I could almost see the outline of her foot bashing the thin metal veneer. With the key in the ignition he’d turned up the radio to full blast, drowning out the noise of her screams and kicking.
He revved the crap out of the van, the engine growling so loud I felt it through my toes. But I stood my ground, even with nails biting into my palms, pulse speeding, and heartbeat pounding.
I’d get his details through to the police if it was the last thing I did.
I looked up to face him and the van launched at me. I dialed the emergency services number holding the phone to my ear with fingers so rigid they hurt. The van came at me and in a split second I was hit, my body bouncing off the van. My head taking the brunt of the blow as I struck the brick wall, landing on the ground like a rag doll unloved and discarded. Strangely, nothing hurt, at least at this moment. I was sure that it should.
Colors flashed: green, hot pink, and yellow. Tires squealed, and I thought I heard frantic footsteps approaching.
Then it was lights out.
Interview with the author
Where does your inspiration come from?
It comes from a combination of factors. Some random moment will capture my attention and when that is combined with recent events reported in the media (usually crimes) and a subject I am especially passionate about such as in this case psychics and mediums that’s when the magic happens for me.
It’s also important to stay in touch with writing friends and meet up every now and again to brainstorm as this is where the idea for Gypsy Hunted came from.
Would you ever want to change genre’s and if so what would you like to experiment with?
At the moment I don’t want to change genres only because this is my first fiction title completed which is a very big deal for me and it’s a psychic suspense/mystery/thriller. I loved writing it. My main reason for writing in this genre is I usually gravitate to it as a reader and knew it would be easier to write in a genre I love. I may in the future experiment with maybe Sci-Fi or Romance but for now I want to get the next Gypsy novel done (stand-alone book but can also be read as a series) before I tackle a new genre that takes my fancy.
Are your characters/ideas drawn from people that you know personally in any way?
I think if an author is really honest all characters and ideas are drawn from real life or people we know, the key is what percentage is real and what percentage imagination.
Some of the characters in Gypsy Hunted are based on only 10% reality, some 40% and some are completely made up. For example Connor is 100% imagined but what a gorgeous ideal imagined man he is. I know that characters are a combination of inspiration, perspiration, imagination and reality. I’ll leave it to readers to figure out who is real and who not, but I’d love to say I’m 100% Gypsy the main character but I’m only a small part of her. I will say though that I’ve had my own déjà vu moments and brushes with the paranormal and so have threaded that fascinating thread through Gypsy Hunted.
Where would you like to be in 10 years with life or career?
I’d love to be a full time author and have transitioned from commercial resume writing/copy writing into writing and promoting my books full time. My children by then will also be grown up and almost out of the nest (my youngest will be sixteen my oldest twenty six) so I’d like to spend time with my hubby doing fun stuff just for us and ideally enjoy the ultimate freedom of doing what we love both personally and professionally.
What book or books are you reading now?
I’m currently reading Sleep Tight by Rachel Abbot but I dip in and out of the various 230 books I have on my kindle. I actually get pretty upset when I lose my kindle which is frequently in the chaos of our mad family life. Now that I’ve finished writing my own novel I’ve started dedicating more time to reading which was one sacrifice I made during the intense writing and editing phase. Some of my favorite books include Angels Flight by Michael Connelly (in fact most of his books have inspired me), Boys from Brazil by Iran Levin, On Writing by Stephen King (of course) and the odd mystery by J.D. Robb. I also like the odd fluffy romance, Emily Bronte/Jane Eyre style.
What do you do with your free-time when you are not writing or brain-storming?
I’m usually either doing housework, taxi-ing one of my three kids around but aside from that (which takes up most of my time) I love reading, exercising at the gym (which I’ve discovered is vital for sedentary authors) and dancing/socialising. I work as a commercial writer as well so life is crazy but I do realize I am lucky enough to have a degree of flexibility and freedom in my life
What is your fondest memory from childhood that left an impact on your life?
This question took a bit more thought but as I am obsessed with all things reading and writing this memory will always stand out. Although I’ve lived in Melbourne Australia for a long time and it is my home, I grew up in northern England and back then at 3 we started nursery school which was attached to the primary school, a kindergarten equivalent I guess. We all sat around one day while the teacher read us a story and I remember these characters they were a boy and girl called Topsy and Turvy.
When the teacher finished reading the story I stayed back after the other children left. I asked the teacher if I could borrow the book and she asked why. Although I was only 3 years old, I could see the teacher didn’t believe me when I said I wanted to take the book home and read it. “Go on then” she said looking smug and I read it to her, completely and fluently. The shocked teachers face was one I never forgot. This was when I realized my reading abilities may not have been average for a three year old and it was the start of a lifelong love of reading and writing, and the beginnings of my confidence and self-belief in this area.
Andrea Drew has been a commercial copy writer and resume writer for over a decade. She’s written for celebrity stylists, assisted business coaches and start-ups, written grants for not for profits, delivered marketing presentations to business owners, and attends Australian writing conventions.
Her self-published book “Pro Resumes Made Easy” has been downloaded over 40,000 times. Andrea has one husband (more than enough), three kids, a pet rock (her daughters not hers), and a house in the suburbs, where she’s hard at work on the second novel in the Gypsy series.
Email her at [email protected].
Gypsy Hunted her first fiction novel (her first suspense thriller set in her home town of Melbourne Australia) is available for pre-order on Amazon prior to release on October 28 2014.
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Great interview.
Thank you for hosting 🙂
I enjoyed the interview.
I like the interview
Sounds like a great book!