The History Major By: Michael Phillip Cash
After a vicious fight with her boyfriend followed by a night of heavy partying, college freshman Amanda Greene wakes up in her dorm room to find things are not the same as they were yesterday. She can’t quite put her finger on it. She’s sharing her room with a peculiar stranger.
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My 10 best movies (I will stop everything I’m doing to watch, even if they’re in the middle.)
10: Predator
9. Goodfellas
8. Scarface
7. Back to School
6. The Fellowship of the Ring
5. Boomerang
4. Empire Strikes Back
3. Inglorious Basterds
2. Rounders
1. There Will Be Blood
Overnight, autumn painted a new picture, fading the landscape, ushering in the next season; the leaves withering, curling, setting the branches on fire with vivid oranges, yellows, and reds; the bases covered with the remains of dead leaves, shriveled and brown. It was too early; Amanda was puzzled by the change. A dark shape raced across the lawn, too fast for her to discern, but the feeling of unease returned. The shadow disappeared quickly behind one of the great gnarled tree trunks that Patrick had told her were the entrances for the goblins that terrorized the campus. She smiled, wishing Patrick were there so she could point it out to him. She squinted hard, trying to figure out what exactly had caught her attention, but the bleak landscape offered nothing. She laughed for the first time, her ribs protesting, missing Patrick so hard that it hurt more than her bones.
The History Major By: Michael Phillip Cash #BookTour #Top10List via @DanelleJohns @michaelpcash @WWVBT
— Danelle (@DanelleJohns) September 13, 2016
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