No Innocent Affair
by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr.
Book Genre: Religion: Christian Life
Publisher: Tate Publishing & Enterprises
Release Date: Sept. 2011
Buy: Amazon | Tate Publishing | Barnes & Noble
‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’ (Exodus 20:14). Have you found yourself contemplating committing adultery? Are you currently in an adulterous relationship? Have you been affected by an act of adultery?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, No Innocent Affair: Making Right the Wrong of Adultery is the tool you need.
An avid student of the Word, Ed Mrkvicka addresses the fact that adultery is one of the main contributors to the destruction of the American family and seeks to reverse this terrifying statistic.
Mrkvicka points that few who engage in adulterous relationships realize the enormity of the cost of infidelity, both to themselves and innocent people in their lives.
Beginning by comparing God’s view of adultery to society’s view, No Innocent Affair explains in frank yet loving terms that unrepentant adultery is more than just an innocent affair. It is choosing Satan over Jesus and death over life. Mrkvicka desires to lead adulterers to repentance and eternal life with Jesus Christ.
Most importantly, No Innocent Affair takes you on a step-by-step biblical progression that leads to the sin of adultery being forgiven and salvation reclaimed.
Infidelity is no easy subject to discuss, but it is one that must be addressed. Follow along on this exploration of the consequences and ways out of adultery.
My Reaction/View:
{I did receive a complimentary copy to help facilitate this review}
If you are deeply religious or want to become deeply religious in the Christian faith and want to learn what the Bible states about infidelity, then this is a book you must read. While I am in the faith, this book was truly an eye-opening experience. The beginning of the book is where Edward Mrkvicka explains definitions of chosen words and where hand-picked verses from the Bible are written. He does explain his devotion to Christianity very plainly and with a lot of conviction. You really can’t not read this book and feel his passion.
I found the book full of examples that he has pulled from counseling real people on certain topics. I did love the solid conviction he had of not allowing the person whom committed the affair to give any sort of excuses. I felt that he fueled his experiences and teachings with solid facts with accredited case studies. All of this information was woven together seamlessly with the word of God. This book can easily be read by those that are not deep in the faith, the case studies of what happens to families of infidelity and divorce are spot on.
There did come a time in this book that I struggled, and he even titled the chapter reflecting it. It was towards the end when he began explaining “Committing Adultery Without Even Knowing It”. This was very difficult for me to digest, as it became personal to me at this point.
I have never committed adultery, but have been caught up in many of the rippling affects caused by it. I had chosen not to marry until much later in life because of these experiences. I wanted to make sure that the one person I married was the only one- no matter what I will never be divorced, so my decision was monumental in my life.
The issue with this particular chapter was when he began speaking about what the Bible says about Adultery and the innocent victims. You see my husband had been married once before, and his former wife did commit adultery amidst many other sins. Now, he explains that even then my husband is not free to get remarried. This is where I have issue and it becomes very hard for me to digest.
In essence at the end of the book, I am being told that I also am committing adultery along with my husband-who was an innocent party. And this is where I must come to realize that I cannot fully be in the faith, as I have no intentions of repenting for marrying my husband or rectifying it. I find it to be unfair, which he does admit that many people see it that way.
My own personal situation, however did not affect my overall thought on the book. It is very well written, solidly honest, and researched thoroughly from stating many different resources. I plan on borrowing this book to a few members of our own church and a few friends.
There is much you can learn from reading, even if it is based religiously. I found myself with a highlighter in hand, shortly into the book- there were so many great statements, thoughts, quotes, and references that I loved and didn’t want to miss. No Innocent Affair is a book that I plan on reading again, even though my personal life experience contradicts what he has to say.
About The Author:
Edward F. Mrkvicka is a lifelong Christian, award-winning author, lay minister and counselor. He is devoted to saving families from the ravages of adultery, and the divorce that almost always follows.
Most important, he is devoted to the innocent children who are damaged by the selfish acts of their parents who give in to temptation. Mrkvicka believes the only hope for betraying adulterers is the Word of God. This is what he tries to do with his books and counseling – ensure that as many as possible know what a true evil adultery is, and that they know it before-the-fact, as it is far easier to avoid the evil than to get back once the line has been crossed.
His efforts on behalf of families, understanding adultery, and the devastating effect of divorce on children has earned him a United States Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition. He started writing professionally in 1980.
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That sounds like an interesting read!
I’m bookmarking this as a resource for my church life group. Thank you!
I am married for the second time around. And THANK GOD! My husband was also a victim of infidelity in his past marriage and my ex abandoned the girls and has never been a father to them. I think our Lord JesusChrist will be the judge and He will make everything fair. I am happy that the author covers many interesting topics in his book, but I am happy that the Author of Salvation will be THE Perfect Judge.
I went to a Christian school and they too taught that even after adultery you couldn’t remarry. I don’t see how that is fair either. 🙂 Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your review! I have this book for review also and look forward to reading.