by: Mary Reason Theriot
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Bridgette Marquette inherited her family plantation, including the ghosts living there. The ghosts must warn Bridgette that something dark and foreboding lurks in the shadows at the plantation before it is too late.
Before building the Marquette Plantation, Pierre and Geneviève Marquette lived in a small home with the other Acadians in Nova Scotia. They were forced from their home as was others that traveled with them. It took Pierre years to build Geneviève the perfect home when they finally made it to Louisiana. Life had been hard but they had each other and their children.
Unfortunately, Geneviève only got to live in it for a short while before her unfortunate passing. Yellow fever hit the area with a vengeance taking many lives, including hers.
Ever since her passing Geneviève has wandered the plantation and watched her family grow. Genevieve is so proud of her decedents. Despite the ravages of war, storms and hard times, this plantation did maintain many of their traditions as well as their French language. She beams with pride as Bridgette strives to educate people of their unique cultural identity forged by some four centuries of turbulent history.
Marquette Plantation is the image of everything graceful and lovely in the Deep South. In the serene moonlight, a low ground fog swirls as a light breeze rolls off of the bayou. Spanish moss drips from the ancient oak trees reminding her of the lace curtains just purchased.
The silver mist curls its way around the courtyard. She can hear the moans of the poor lost souls that are trapped in the mist. The moon has a ring around it promising rain soon. The misty halo creates an eerie glow across the earth, bathing the area in a pale light.
Lately, she is afraid to wander the grounds. The beauty of the night seems to have been taken from her. All that seems to remain in this place she loves for so long is death and evil. If only she could see where the evil lurks, she could warn someone.
But no, all she can do is sense its presence. She can hear its raspy breath and smell the fetid odor that comes from its flesh and blood.
She must warn Bridgette of the evil that lurks these grounds before it is too late.
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Mary Reason Theriot Louisiana-native, Mary Reason Theriot, is a multi-genre author with twenty-five published books. She has lived in various states with her husband’s United States Coast Guard career. Until being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2001, she worked in the legal field. Encouraged to write by her youngest child, she calls writing “great therapy for my own personal fight against MS.”
Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehideawaybymarytheriot
Amazon: http://amzn.to/UegOEy
Website: http://maryreasontheriot.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6435569.Mary_Reason_Theriot
I’m so sorry about that. Please email me the format you need and I will try gifting it