Lord of Sherwood: The Guardians of Sherwood Trilogy Book Three by Laura Strickland
Curlew Champion, master archer, has always known his destiny. With his cousin, Heron Scarlet, he will become a guardian of Sherwood Forest and further his people’s fight against Norman Tyranny.
But the third member of the triad is still to be revealed, the woman who will complete the magical circle and, perhaps, answer the longing in Curlew’s heart.
Anwyn Montfort has fled disgrace in Shrewsbury and come to Nottingham at her father’s bidding. He wishes her to make a good marriage and settle down. But the wildness that possesses her refuses to quiet. She knows she’s been searching for something all her life, but not until she glimpses Curlew does her spirit begin to hope it has found its home.
Only the magic of Sherwood can bring them together, and only their union can complete the spell woven so long ago …
Curlew bowed again. When the man reached Nottingham and inquired after an under-forester called Champion, he would know this meeting for a farce. But Curlew would be well away by then.
A small, wicked smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. He straightened from his bow just as the young woman’s cart reached him. Any well-behaved Saxon underling, as Curlew well knew, would avert his eyes respectfully as she passed. Instead, he lifted them to hers.
And, shockingly, she returned his stare, bold and unswerving as any lad. Nay, not like a lad though—for she was all woman, this one, her face brimming with character, interest, and mischief. A smile twitched her lips as their eyes met and held—it said many things: that she knew he had just spun a fabrication, that she applauded him for it, and that she found him just as fascinating to look upon as he found her.
His blood leaped at that look and he condemned himself silently. This, a well-bred Norman
miss, was surely no proper object for his admiration. Only, she did not appear particularly well-
bred nor well-disciplined. Who was she?
And would he ever see her again?
Curlew stood there with the blood drying on his hands as the small train lumbered past, grateful for his escape, and utterly scorched by her gaze.
Not until they were well past did he draw a deep breath and strive to shake off the spell that held him.
My View:
I am a huge fan of this book and of the time period which is portrayed. The author is able to bring alive both characters and each scene. I believe I became most excited when the third person was introduced to complete this circle, not a man but a woman! She is a “wild child” that is perfect for the job.
The whole basis of being almost like the old “Robin Hood” is such an appeal to me. This shouldn’t surprise me since we are looking at the descendants of Robin Hood himself. Now will she be what Curlew is truly searching for, you would have to read to find out. Full of adventure, excitement, and a love of medieval times- I highly suggest picking the trilogy up for a wonderful experience through Nottingham Forrest!
Born and raised in Western New York, Laura Strickland has pursued lifelong interests in lore, legend, magic and music, all reflected in her writing. Though her imagination frequently takes her to far off places, she is usually happiest at home not far from Lake Ontario with her husband and her “fur” child, a rescue dog. Author of Scottish romance Devil Black as well as The Guardians of Sherwood Trilogy consisting of Daughter of Sherwood, Champion of Sherwood and Lord of Sherwood, she is currently working on the second book of a new Steampunk romance series.
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Thank you for hosting me today! It’s a true pleasure to visit with you.
Lovely review – and an honest reflection of Laura’s writing. Enjoyed the post.
Thank you for the review and the excerpt. I too and a fan of Robin Hood and that type of story so this sounds great to me
Thanks for the excerpt and review. I don’t think that I have read many books from this time period. I will have to check out Lord of Sherwood. I hope that Curlew is finding what he has been searching for in Anwyn.
Thanks for the review and the exceprt. I don’t know the author but sounds like a good reading.
Nice review
The book sounds terrific. And what a lovely review! Best of luck, Laura!!