Guest Post by author Eliza Gordon
But a book isn’t a success unless the reader, who grants the writer the privilege of time, walks away with something. And with this book, I wanted that something to be more than a smiling face or a filled heart—I wanted to share a little love with the animal kingdom.

Must Love Otters by Eliza Gordon is an adult romantic comedy that released in October 2013.
A purveyor of fictions, Eliza is confident that the life she lives in merely the imaginings of someone else’s hand, poured from a dull pencil on cafe napkins, and that she is simply an understudy, waiting for her turn to take the stage. She has excellent taste in books, shoes, and friends, and questionable sanity in the realm of love. Best leave that one alone.
In real life, she’s a husband-and-wife team of controlled chaos who writes stories to help you believe in the Happily Ever After.
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