Saving Amy
by SM Harshell Blog Tour
How do you know when enough is enough? When you mentally can’t take anymore?
Everyone has tragedy in his or her life. It’s expected. If you have made it into your twenty’s without some sort of tragedy effecting you, you are one of the lucky ones.
Amy Connors has it all, intelligence, a supportive family, a good upbringing and great friends. All the things that would make her one of the lucky ones. Until she isn’t.
When you have lived a fairly normal life like Amy you don’t expect tragedy to strike, and strike repeatedly. How much can one person take before she breaks and loses herself? How can she go on? Can she ever feel whole again?
What if she can’t save herself from the pain that wracks her body and soul?
Who will be left to pick up the pieces?
Who will be there Saving Amy?
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The pain is slowly slipping away with each shot I take. The numbness is filling the space. I don’t know the boys who are buying me all these drinks, but I couldn’t care less.
After I stopped puking this morning from last night’s drinking, I decided that instead of sitting around and letting the pain back in, why not come in earlier today. I don’t know why I haven’t been doing this all along.
Jessica is pissed, my parents are pissed, why can’t anyone understand why I am doing this? The numb feels so much better than the pain. The pain is so debilitating. The numb is just that. I feel hollow. I need to feel this way to get through this. Don’t they understand that? I am so tired of trying to explain myself to everyone.
S.M. Harshell lives in western Pennsylvania with her husband and two children. She has been writing since she was a teenager. Recently, with the support of her husband and him giving her that extra little shove she needed, she has ventured out into the indie world. Right now writes part-time while she pays the bills working at big name toy store, but hopes to make writing a full time gig someday.
S.M. loves spending family time watching baseball or softball.
She is a huge Pittsburgh Pirates fan, winning or losing she is always cheering them on. She has played softball since she was 6 and still enjoys it today. She just plays a little slower now than she did back then. She loves that she passed the passion for the game onto her daughter.
After the completion of her first novel, Saving Amy, she is currently working on “In Us”, a three part series with hopes to release the first, Trust In Us, soon.
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Thanks for taking part in the tour. Great post!