Stolen Dreams (Cassie Scot #4) by Christine Amsden
Edward Scot and Victor Blackwood have despised one another for nearly a quarter of a century, but now their simmering hatred is about to erupt.
When Cassie Scot returns home from her sojourn in Pennsylvania, she finds that her family has taken a hostage. Desperate to end the fighting before someone dies, Cassie seeks help from local seer Abigail Hastings, Evan Blackwood’s grandmother. But Abigail has seen her own death, and when it comes at the hand of Cassie’s father, Victor Blackwood kills Edward Scot.
But things may not be precisely as they appear.
Evan persuades Cassie to help him learn the truth, teaming them up once again in their darkest hour. New revelations about Evan and his family make it difficult for Cassie to cling to a shield of anger, but can Evan and Cassie stop a feud that has taken on a life of its own? Conclusion to the Cassie Scot series.
Cassie Scot ParaNormal Detective (Cassie Scot #1) Buy Links:
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Secrets and Lies (Cassie Scot #2) Buy Links:
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Mind Games (Cassie Scot #3) Buy Links
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I escaped from Alexander DuPris the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, only to be told by my family that I was being melodramatic. And this right on the heels of informing me that we had a hostage in the guest bedroom.
A hostage, you say? Surely now I’m being melodramatic! But no, Juliana used her healing gift to knock Amanda Lee unconscious, then shoved her in a supply closet until Dad picked her up from school, at which point the two of them moved the body into the backseat of his car.
“Are you crazy?” I asked.
I looked from face to face, trying to find a trace of sanity, but they were all doing their normal after-dinner things exactly as if nothing were wrong. Mom, hugely pregnant with twins, crocheted an afghan, Nicolas was out with Madison, Juliana looked entirely too pleased with herself, Isaac played a video game, Elena hid behind a book, and Adam and Christina played in their rooms. It could have been any normal Tuesday evening, except for the hostage upstairs.
“Cassandra,” my father said, “you haven’t been around. You don’t understand.”
Of course I didn’t understand. No one had told me that things were getting this bad. It was as if I’d been on the moon for the past two months instead of in Pennsylvania, calling home three times a week. But oh, everything is fine at home. Just fine. Don’t worry about us. How are you doing? When will you be home?
Stolen Dreams (Cassie Scot #4) by @ChristineAmsden Review, & $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway @GoddessFish
— Danelle (@DanelleJohns) August 4, 2014
My View:
This review is bitter-sweet for me. While I am grateful to have been able to join Cassie on her journey through the first three books, I am also saddened that this is to be the last book in the series. I know how much I wanted to keep reading, as I turned the last page in the first novel, and again in the second, and once again in the third. Stolen Dreams, however, took me longer to read-only because I realized I didn’t want it to end. Even though I have been obsessed over finding out what happens between Evan and Cassie with their ever-seemingly complicated “relationship”!
This was one of the first series of YA books that had to be read in order. Each book picking up where the other left off. I have never had the experience of not just being able to pick up a series book out of order and figure it out as I go. So the Cassie Scot series will always be dear to my heart. With the last book get ready for some surprises to come your way,family feuding, and memorizing mystery. This final book does not disappoint those that have followed along in the previous books. It does, however, make you wish it would continue for just a few more novels.
If you haven’t started Christine Amsden’s books-I highly recommend doing so with this set-you will fall in love with the strong developed characters, the descriptive writing, the mind boggling mysteries, the magic, the fun, the feelings, the fighting…….I think you get the point.
Christine Amsden has been writing fantasy and science fiction for as long as she can remember. She loves to write and it is her dream that others will be inspired by this love and by her stories. Speculative fiction is fun, magical, and imaginative but great speculative fiction is about real people defining themselves through extraordinary situations.
Christine writes primarily about people and relationships, and it is in this way that she strives to make science fiction and fantasy meaningful for everyone. At the age of 16, Christine was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease, a condition that effects the retina and causes a loss of central vision. She is now legally blind, but has not let this slow her down or get in the way of her dreams.
In addition to writing, Christine teaches workshops on writing at Savvy Authors. She also does some freelance editing work. Christine currently lives in the Kansas City area with her husband, Austin, who has been her biggest fan and the key to her success. They have two beautiful children.
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Thanks for hosting!
Thank you!
I just want to add that there will be two spin-offs to this series. Madison’s Song will be out early next year. Kaitlin’s Tale is on the drafting table right now.
Thanks so much for the review!
Great review, thank you.
Thanks You
First, I want to say thanks for the awesome giveaway and gl to everyone. I love the series by Lynn Kurland, they don’t really have a series name but it’s her time traveling novels of the families Macleod and De Piaget. She keeps adding new ones and at this point there’s no end in sight.
Thanks for the chance
Yes, all I read are series, I love a long story!
My favorite serial is LOTD. Well, I guess it ended well (for most characters!)…