“Struggles of the Women Folk” is based on fictional characters created from stories my grandma shared with me when I was child. It is the story of Georgie, a young Black girl in the South during the 1940s. I hope that you can appreciate her pain, suffering and betrayal as you travel with her on highs and lows you won’t anticipate.This is the story of the power of a woman’s courage, love, strength and faith that exists within each and every one us, whether we know it or not..

“Morning country bumpkins,” she said, same as usual.
“I don’t know why you have to be so rude to us every morning! What makes you think you so much better than us? How come we always gotta wait for you every morning? We workin in the same shop, doing the same stuff. Why you think you so much better than us?” I said as Miss Hazel and Sharon looked at me wide eyed.
“Look at you! Need I say more?” Regina smirked.
“No, you don’t need to say more, but I sure can. Like how you and Mr. Anderson been breaking dem springs on dat bed upstairs almost every night. Iz dat why you think you better than us? Cuz you up dere spreading your legs for dat white man?”
“Shut up!”
“No, you shut up! I don’t want to hear nothing else outta you! Not one more mornin! You just common! Messing round with somebody else’s husband foe a few nice dresses. I know your kind.” I didn’t know why I was so mad at her, but I just wanted to snap her head off.
“Shut up! That’s a lie.”
“No it ain’t. I hears yawl almost ever night.”
“You just sayin that cuz you jealous.”
“Jealous! Jealous of what? You ain’t got nothing I want! You mean, and ya nasty and common on top of it!”
“Just say one more word and I’ll . . .”
“You’ll what? Girrl, you really don’t want no parts of me. You take one more step and that’ll be your last! I’m sick of you!” Before I knew it, I was within arm’s reach of Regina. I had every intention of beating her down to the floor.
“Okay girls, that’s enough,” Miss Hazel interrupted. “Regina and Sharon, why don’t you go back up to your rooms for a minute.”
What? Why we gotta go? She’s the one causing problems,” Regina said as she began to make her way up the stairs. I guess she could see from the look on Miss Hazel’s face that she better not push it.
“I’m sorry, Miss Hazel,” I said after they left. “I’m just tired of her picking on me and Sharon all the time. Plus I miss my momma, and . . . and I don’t feel good.”
“I know it must be hard being so far away with no family around, child.” No one had called me child since I left my momma in Virginia. I missed her so much. I missed Donnie so much. I felt so lonely.
“You know, everybody has a story. Things aren’t always as they seem,” Miss Hazel said.
“Regina has a story to tell as well. That don’t make it right for her to act the way she been acting, but she’s had her troubles too.

Internationally recognized story-teller with a past that provides lots of material to write from!
*1st book, “A Life Not My Own”, kicks down the secret door that Tina had worked so hard to lock away her insecurities, heartache and fears.
*5 STAR rated Just Between Us – Inspiring Stories by Women. TM’s short story is a continuation of “A Life Not My Own”, providing just a tad more about her life as a young adult (not captured in my first book). Expect the unexpected…
*”Struggles of the Women Folk”, is based on fictional characters with a storyline created from stories that her grandmother shared with her as a child.
*Master of Science Degree in System Engineering – Regis University – Denver, Colorado
*Undergraduate Degree in Psychology – University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
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