Relocating on a budget isn’t easy. If you can stay put and save up your pennies you’re better off, but for those that need to move fast, other tactics may be worth considering. Here are a few ways to save money on your move. Image Source
Easy Easter Peeps White Chocolate Bark
Jazz up your traditional “Bark” recipe by trying out this easy Easter Peeps White Chocolate Bark. This simple treat is going to be different with each batch you make, so the kids will love using imagination to create their own masterpiece. Who wouldn’t love to nibble on this special Easter snack?
Bunny Butt Cheesecake
A simple, yet very adorable creation is a fantastic way to spruce up your Easter. This Bunny Butt Cheesecake recipe uses few ingredients and can be easily modified. For example, there is nothing stopping you from using whipped cream in a can instead of making your own. The use of store-bought pink snowballs is pure genius. […]
Oreo Bunny Butts Recipe
Angela from “The Inspiration Edit” has graciously shared her Oreo Bunny Butts Recipe. Angela calls the UK home, so some of her ingredients I am going to change out with something else. I added my substitution ideas to the ingredient list. I am sure you can find all the listed ingredients online, but I figure […]
Free Spring Has Arrived Sudoku For Younger Learners Printable Game
I created this modified version of Spring Has Arrived Sudoku For Younger Learners as a boredom buster. The kids love trying to find the solutions to these puzzles. There are four different games available for download. These can easily be laminated for longer use. I print these off on normal printer paper, making sure that I “fit-to-page” before […]
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